23 April 2022

What Is the Result of the Lord’s Resurrection? What Is Salvation? – Father Theologos

Christ God is risen. What does this mean for us? What did Christ accomplish for mankind? Watch this video to find out. Enjoy! The moment He […]
22 April 2022

Thoughts for Pascha – Father Pimen Vlad

Watch father Pimen Vlad speak to us about Holy Week, conducting a small analysis of the most important moments from the week of Pascha. Enjoy! And […]
19 April 2022

Are We Like Judas? – Father Theologos

Most of us detest Judas and appreciate Mary, the sister of Lazarus who anointed the Lord with myrrh and washed His feet with the hair of […]
12 April 2022

The Resurrection of the Dead: A Demonstration – Father Theologos

The resurrection of the dead at the end of the ages. Indeed, since ancient times, since the time of the Old Testament, God speaks to us […]
9 April 2022

The Invincible Generalissima – Father Theologos

The Church handling of war situations is different than what a person in the world expects – and here I’m not referring to their validation.  Watch […]
5 April 2022

Evidence of the Existence of the Devil – Father Theologos 

Many consider the devil to be just an abstract embodiment of evil or, best case scenario, as someone that exists but doesn’t influence them daily.  Reality, […]
2 April 2022

The Ladder: The Basic Book of Perfection – Father Theologos

How does someone acquire the ability to write the second most important book in the Church?…And if we consider that the Bible is, actually, a collection […]
31 March 2022

Miracles of the Mother of God at the Beginnings –  Father Pimen Vlad

With a lot of grace and not without humor, Father Pimen Vlad recounts his memories from the beginning of the reconstruction of the cell of Saint […]
29 March 2022

Digital Identity and Virtual Existence – Father Theologos

Digital identity and virtual existence are foreshadowed realities of the very near future.  Watch a video in which the spiritual problems of these are analyzed, problems […]
27 March 2022

Saints Cleopa and Paisie: Miracles, Charisms – Father Pimen Vlad

Watch a special video in which Father Pimen gives his testimony regarding Saints Cleopa and Paisie with a view to their canonization. The Metropolitanate of Moldavia […]
24 March 2022

Poverty, Peace, and War – Father Pimen Vlad

What riches do monastics have? How do they handle themselves materially speaking? Watch this video and you will find out. As a bonus, father Pimen comments […]
17 March 2022

The Treasures of St. Paul’s Monastery – Father Pimen Vlad

Watch father Pimen give a short description of the treasures of St. Paul’s Monastery as well as of other events from that period of his life.  […]
12 March 2022

What is Orthodoxy actually? – Father Theologos

Orthodoxy is a main component of the life of Romanians – if not the main component. Despite this we do not know very well what Orthodoxy […]
9 March 2022

The Obedience at the Monastery of St. Paul – Father Pimen Vlad 

Watch father Pimen Vlad as he relates his memories of the spiritual fathers from the monastery of St. Paul.  The father relates wonderful events (miracles) that […]
8 March 2022

The 3rd World War: Have some of the prophecies been fulfilled? – Father Theologos 

Many prophecies are circulating today related to the crisis situation we are going through. It would appear though, that some of these have been fulfilled. Is […]
3 March 2022

Miracles from St. Paul’s Monastery – Father Pimen Vlad

Watch father Pimen as he narrates his memories of spiritual fathers from the monastery of St. Paul.  The father narrates miraculous events (miracles) that he lived […]
24 February 2022

The Holy Mountain 28 Years Ago; Personal Experiences – Father Pimen Vlad 

Watch father Pimen Vlad relate how life on the Holy Mountain was in the Romanian settlements – primarily at Lacu Skete – 28 years ago when […]
17 February 2022

How I Came to Athos – Father Pimen Vlad

Watch father Pimen as he narrates with aplomb the extraordinary adventures he went through to get to the Holy Mountain. Happy viewing!