An Athonite Cell: Joys from the Holy Mountain

Here you may send your commemoration lists and donations. You have several options, wether you wish (or not) to donate or (just) send a commemoration list.
In any case, we are praying for all the visitors of this website. May God our Lord bless them all!
If you have a credit card and wish to send online commemoration lists and donations using your credit card, please complete the form below. The form is secure - Stripe is our card processor - world leader in this area.

If you do not have a credit card or do not wish to use it, please select one of the options below:
Online diptychs and donations
Financial aid for the cell can be deposited in the following accounts registered in the name of Vlad Petru at Piraeus Bank of Greece and First Bank in Romania:
- RO29 PIRB 4202 1017 3600 1000 (in lei – opened in Romania);
- GR10 0172 2300 0052 3003 1626581 (for USD);
- GR81 0172 2300 0052 3003 1626564 (for EURO).
For foreign currency transfers this SWIFT code will be used: PIRBGRAA
If you still wish to send your diptycs by mail, your can send them using this address:
Monk Pimen Vlad
P.O. Box 146 KAREIA
Phone: 0030/6946572266
If you wish to donate a certain amount for your diptycs, you can deposit it in this account in EUR:
Kosmas Adrianos Theologos CADAR
DE41 1001 1001 2629 3658 54
If you will need an address, this is it:
monk Theologos Cadar
Cell „Eisodia tis Theotokou”, Lakkoskiti
PO BOX 146
63086, Karyes
Mount Athos
Afterwords, fill the following form with the name or the text that will appear on our account statement (so that we may identify your donation) and in the field „Names” enter the names of your loved ones.
God bless you and may He reward your generosity!
God bless your home, family and all your loved ones, and may the Theotokos take you under Her Cover and guide your path to the joy of Paradise.
In christian love,
Monk Pimen Vlad and the community of the athonite cell