Listen to Father Pimen Vlad telling a small story with meaning. Let us try to become better.
Three Days of Good
I will tell you just a short story, I don’t know if it’s already on the internet, if I have told it…
There was an elderly woman, and she goes to the doctor. Cancer. She is told, “Grandma, you have two months left and that’s it.”
She goes home, upset, and a neighbor asks her, “What is wrong?”
She says, “Well, I went to the doctor, I was told it was cancer…”
The neighbor says, “You know what? Go to that elder in the forest…” There was a hermit who had withdrawn there. “…Go to him and everything he tells you, you should do, because he knows if you will heal or not.”
She goes to him. “Father…” She tells him her problem.
He says, “Yes, yes..” She says, “Is there a cure for me?”
“There is.”
“And what do I have to do?”
He says, “Three days of good.”
“What do you mean?”
“For three days you do only good. But not only that, do not even think bad thoughts. But let it be continuous, if you have a bad thought, you have to start again. Three days of continuous good and any illness is cured.”
The elderly woman went home and started, she thought, “This is easy to do for 3 days.” Of course after two hours, she thought about something her neighbor said, she had bad thoughts again. She had to start again. And she had that neighbor that knew of this story, and in the meantime that neighbor went abroad to her daughter and came back after a year. And she sees the elderly woman alive, in her yard, with her chickens…
She says, “Grandma, how is it going? Did you manage 3 days of good?”
“I have not managed it. Only up to 2 days, but I am still trying.”
“What about your illness? Are you cured?”
“I don’t know if I am cured, but my life has changed.”
Because she was struggling constantly to do only good, she forgot about her illness, she would think, “I did wrong again, I have to start from the beginning, I have to do it for 3 days…” And she concentrated on this so much, that she ended up doing only good, to live the good. She was constantly praying and she reached a state where her face shone. Her whole life changed. She simply wasn’t interested in the illness anymore.
So those of you who want to – any problem is resolved by 3 days of good.
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1 Comment
Powerful spiritual inspiration! Glory to God for all things.