How should young people relate to the values of life? How should young people choose? Listen to Father Pimen Vlad who offers some advice to young people on this topic.
My dear friends, I would like to say a few words to you, and in particular to address the generation that is rising, the children and young people, the generation in whose hands the country will be in the future. What generation is rising now? You see there were times between the two world wars when there grew up a beautiful generation of strong, fiery young people. How do we know this?
Well, let’s look a little bit [at the time] after the communists came, when most of them ended up in prisons. Thousands and thousands of young people, who were not just anyone, they were well educated, with faith in God, with respect for others, who appreciated values, took the path of prisons because they did not want to compromise themselves, to play into the hands of those who were trying to tear down first their souls and then everything that was important to the values they believed in.
And maybe soon many of them will make it into the calendar and we will venerate them.
Yes, my dears, we see a generation raised beautifully, who have sacrificed. After the advent of communism, for the generation that was born during it, it depended on how everyone grew up. But because their parents were educated before communism, many of those born then were raised up nicely. Others, who did not have God, grew up as best they could.
After ’89 onwards came the so-called freedom, which was used by everyone as they wished. And now it is you, this generation, who may have been raised by parents who, as children, have had a bit of communism, but perhaps lived more in freedom. Some with God, some without… What will you choose, who will you be with? Think again! The fate of the country is in your hands!
Do you want to grow up beautifully? Well done! Try to be people with a “capital P”! What does this mean? Have respect, kindness, faith!
Whatever we do without faith is without God, and whatever is without God is taken over by the devil, and then even if you try to do good, you end up doing evil. That is why you must try to live close to God! That what does it mean?
Live [your life] close to the church, go to confession and communion, attend Holy Liturgy and do good according to your strength!
And learn to have respect for everyone around you. Be nice to everyone, greet everyone, try to be a good example! That’s how you’ll grow up properly, even if it’s a bit harder with all these temptations in the world.
Because now it’s the Internet generation and if you’re not paying attention and you spend too much time on the net or on TV, your mind will suffer. I mean, you won’t know right from wrong! There are so many things poisoned now by the media that you won’t know what to choose, what’s good and what’s bad. It has come to be that light is called dark and dark is called light, normal is called abnormal, and abnormal (a category that includes so many things that are against God) is called normal and you are not allowed to say anything bad.
Think carefully, take time to talk to yourselves to see what you choose. And know that without God there is no salvation and not only that; you won’t be able to make the right decisions either and you will have the wrong goals in life. Never make money and power your purpose in life! These two destroy you, you lose your soul! If God gives you these, that is His business, for you to use them well! But let it not be your goal in life. Do you understand?
I am addressing you, children and young people, who are now growing up and being formed! Take care, do not forget God! Let Him be number one in your life, as the first commandment says: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your heart, and your neighbor as yourself.” Do you understand? Your neighbor as yourself!
What does neighbor mean? First, it’s your family, then it’s the neighbors and so on… You can’t let your family starve to death by saying you’re doing good somewhere else! No! First of all, take care that your family has something to eat, and from that little you have keep sharing further.
This is also the case at country level. Those in charge must see to it that the country has everything it needs, and what is left over can be used to help others.
But the children of the country have priority, so young people, be careful what you do so that you have God in your life, for without God, you will be lost, let it be clear!
May the Mother of God help you, may she give you wisdom to always make the best decisions in your life! God help us!
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