Watch an extraordinary dialogue about how someone gets into drugs, what the effects are, and especially how someone manages to get out of this addiction.
It’s a big problem today, especially among young people. The discussion is very useful for everyone, even if not everyone ended up using drugs.
Father Theologos: Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and to the ages of ages. Amen. Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us. Amen.
I am with Eduard here, whom I have known for a very short time, but I love him very much.
Eduard: I love you too, Father, very much.
Father Theologos: May the good Lord bless you! He came from Romania, brethren, you know, with a lot of temptations on the way, he is a student and he came to ask me a question, in fact, two. And the first question, which I wasn’t thinking about doing the podcast on, although we should do a podcast on that, is a very important question. He asked me if he could take Communion and I asked him if he had the blessing of his spiritual father and he said of course he does and I said “Yes, you can take Communion.” Because we are not popes here, we do not own… If the spiritual father gives the blessing, of course he can Commune.
And after this question he asked me another question. He told me he had an acquaintance of his, right?
Edward: Yes.
Father Theologos: An acquaintance of his who committed suicide. Someone very dear to him, your age, killed himself and asked me if he could be commemorated. And I asked him if he was in the fullness of his mental faculties and he hesitated a little and said no, I don’t think so and at one point he said yes. And after that I said yes. So if he was not in the fullness of his mental faculties, there is a canon in the Church, you know, which says that if someone commits suicide and is not in the fullness of his mental faculties, he can be commemorated by the Church. If he knowingly commits suicide, then he cannot be commemorated, he can be prayed for, fathers can pray in the cell for him, in personal prayer. And after that I asked him how did it come to that. How did it come to that?
Edward: Through the use of substances. Okay, this probably had a deeper substrate in the troubles and traumas that my generation suffers as a whole, but for him it manifested itself in the use of substances and in a lot of people around me and without shame I can say that I also had this problem from which I escaped, glory to God!
Father Theologos: With drugs.
Edward: Yes, with drugs.
Father Theologos: Hallucinogens, what were they?
Eduard: All sorts from the simplest ones for which there is a lot of propaganda now because they do not provoke addiction, like weed, to the worse stuff, like amphetamine, like hallucinogens that don’t work on the limbic system, but on the cortex like LSD, mushrooms, etc. I mean, they’re really dangerous too. And now I want to say something, it came to me.
Father Theologos: Of course.
Eduard: One of the arguments that often presents itself to us when it comes to drug, “Look cannabis and LSD have applications in medicine.” Okay. But did your doctor prescribe it? Or do you have a problem that requires the application of a micro-dose of this? And of course, most people don’t do it because of that and they just do it for…
Father Theologos: Why do they do it? What are young people looking for?
Eduard: People say they do it recreationally, but my opinion and experience say that no one does it because of this, but they do it to cover some gaps. To try to fill them, and those things give the feeling that the void is filled. It’s just that it’s a trap, a very big trap because the moment you fall into an addiction, medically speaking, things like tolerance and withdrawal occur. You have to increase the dose and you feel the need to do it. Even if it’s not… for example, a very simple thing that I personally consider very dangerous, such as cannabis.
Cannabis does not cause symptoms of physical withdrawal, doctors say, but mental dependence is there because when you retired to your room and lit your joint to relax, you will continually want to do this to get rid of everyday problems – a teacher at school or the boss at work scolded you or… – and you go home and do it everyday. And this thing not only has a very serious effect on the spirit of man, because today from what we see people are very little concerned with the soul, but it also has a great impact in everyday life, that is, man becomes less and less motivated to do something. Man becomes less and less motivated to socialize with people who are not in the respective entourage.
Father Theologos: And then, in fact, the person closes himself in his world and becomes dependent, as you said, psychologically on this thing.
Edward: Yes. That’s the problem. Because in the end, even for very serious drugs such as heroin, physical withdrawal passes quite quickly, two to three weeks. The problem is with psychological addiction because this is what doctors, psychologists, therapists are struggling with and, when you come to Church, with even more success, spiritual fathers: with the psychological dependence.
Father Theologos: So the spiritual father is, in your experience, the one who is successful.
Edward: Yes, very often he is successful. As I saw your podcast with Sorin Gadola. A monk influenced him towards…
Father Theologos: …towards sobriety and seriousness in thinking and the ability to get out. Did you say they’re trying to cover some gaps? What gaps? Is it loneliness or what?
Eduard: I would say that it is also about loneliness and one of the problems I have seen is social media that it is not used so much for socializing purposes – okay, it is also used for this and it is very good for this purpose because you can talk to people – how I could talk to you on WhatsApp. But it’s often used just to brag. That we went two days on a vacation and post two weeks worth of pictures of that vacation. And we show everyone only the good parts of our lives and this has an effect on those who are not…
Father Theologos: Who follow us…
Edward: Who are following us. Because, “Look, what a nice life that one has, look, where that one went, look, what that one does!”
Father Theologos: It pushes you into depression, in fact.
Eduard: It pushes you into depression, because you see that your life is much sadder than others, although it probably is not so. Other things that – from what I’ve talked to other people who were addicted – were that everyone complained about a certain gap in the family. “Look, my mom didn’t…” I am giving an example now from the people I talked to. “I was doing performance sports and my parents were not at all understanding and the people from sports told me that I must go to school.” Or, “My parents said, ‘You must go to this high school, you must go to that university, you must do that, you must do that…’” They did not give at all…
Father Theologos: Lack of understanding…
Edward: Lack of understanding or simply lack of communication, that is, when you could not come to your parents with certain problems and have them understand you, not punish you. And often these things are not the parents’ fault because there’s such an inter-generational trauma.
Father Theologos: Yes, I think it’s a whole context. And I think parents often really struggle a lot for their children and want to make it so that they do not feel the hardships of life, but they have no experience.
Eduard: The social context in which we find ourselves in is also very bad because you can no longer approach the Church as a young person without being considered a freak or without, for example, how in Romania is a phenomenon – those rappers who were consumers, very many converted to Orthodoxy and now sang about it.
Father Theologos: Yes, yes, yes, all due respect.
Edward: Yes, automatically when someone sees you as someone who has gone through what I have gone through and converts, he says: “Ah, yes, now you are like those, you have clearly gone crazy.” But no one stands to understand. For example, I was giving an example of Cluj to a pilgrim I talked to here. If I go to Cluj and I want to go out for a meal at the restaurant and I ask for fasting food, everyone looks at me for a long time, but if I ask for vegan food, even if they don’t have any, they make some.
Father Theologos: Yes, yes, exactly. I know of a case on this topic, because there were some girls, Olympians, and they went to the camp for Olympians in the Romanian language, it matters less. And there the girls began to cry. Why? Because it was during the fast of the Mother of God and they asked for fasting food and they said at home, “We are coming back, everyone is making fun of us, all our colleagues are making fun of us, bullying, harassment and so on because we are fasting.” In the end, their parents managed to convince them not to come home, that is, to stay until the end of the camp. Next year, camp again. “No, we don’t want to go anymore, because I don’t know what, because of the social pressure.” And then salvation came from a spiritual father who said this exact thing: “Don’t say you fast, say you are vegan.” Glory to God!
Edward: Glory to God! But you see this misunderstanding in this thing makes you, I don’t know, seem like a freak if you approach the Church and that’s not a problem for someone who has entered and is not walking down the street saying I’m Orthodox because I converted, but it’s a problem for those who may want to approach and are pressured by the social group not to do it. And one more thing exactly as you said – bullying, depression is very common among adolescents. Now globally, suicide is the second or third leading cause of death among adolescents. It’s a very big problem and even countries that we are given as an example, like Finland is – they have a very good education system, infrastructure, etc. – they have a very big suicide problem. Not to mention that it’s a majority atheist country.
Father Theologos: Yes, because of that. How did you get out? How?
Edward: By God’s help, but who knows me, knows I was the greatest atheist. In the second year of school I declared myself an atheist, not knowing what it means.
Father Theologos: We know, we know…
Eduard: I have read books only on this topic to be able to discuss, to be able to argue, to be able to debate…
Father Theologos: To show them…
Eduard: I had a style of debating not at all like the one, for example, from Antiquity, from philosophers who debated to get to a truth, to see who was closer to the truth. Today’s style of debate, that I too have adopted is: I want to show you that I am right. So it doesn’t matter what you say, it matters that I’m right.
Father Theologos: Yes, so you do not listen to understand others, but to show that you are right.
Edward: Yes, you listen to answer.
Father Theologos: Yes, a great passion.
Edward: And of course, I got out through the support of God Who was very subtle, Who did not appear. It became clear only after that He helped, but through the support of people, because God works very much through people. After an experience… a number of traumatic experiences, because we are talking about a period of a few years, I also had problems with depression, anxiety, with a lot of things related to mental health, but those that you do not automatically see on a road with a man hearing voices or something. It was little, subtle things that affect in the long run, and around me – just like alcoholics anonymous or narcotics anonymous: a little support group was formed.
But this support group was made up of people very dear to me. Two of my best friends at the time, and still are – one of them is here with us in the Holy Mountain and one is in Bucharest because he works (if you see us you know we are talking about you), my girlfriend who fought heroically next to me.
Father Theologos: May the good Lord bless you! All our love.
Edward: God bless! She fought heroically next to me from the moment we met until I was on my feet and I, with the little I could help her with, she also improved, but she helped me enormously and no matter how many bad things I did against her, she stood there and fought heroically and corrected me a little as was needed and gave me a lot of love and a lot of understanding and I had – the word safe space is very well known now – I had a safe space with her.
Father Theologos: Yes, yes, a safe space.
Eduard: No matter how bad the world was… At this time I was an atheist, so I had no idea of going to church. So no matter how bad the world was, I had a safe space. My parents who even though there were some very difficult periods in our family, helped me a lot. That is, they were there non-stop and sacrificed non-stop with time, money, attention, etc.
Father Theologos: Everything.
Edward: A doctor who I went to for therapy more than medication… but there was also a period of medication. Although some criticize it quite a lot, I at least think it is necessary especially in people who are very deep, but it is not necessary for that pill to do something. That pill is there to give you a little chemical boost so you can fix your life.
Father Theologos: I understand, yes. So it actually prolongs your state so you don’t go lower.
Edward: Yes, there is one thing… they are still researching exactly how all the stuff works and looking for treatment.
Father Theologos: So that does not solve your problem, it gives you time to solve your problem.
Eduard: It mostly solves your effect. The problem must be solved by you, and that is why a good therapist – very often good therapists are also believers, I don’t know how.
Father Theologos: Was this lady?
Edward: This lady, yes, she was and she did not tell me then, she told me only after…
Father Theologos: What did she tell you?
Eduard: That she is a believer and she believes in God and when I tested for admission to university – because I applied to the Faculty of Medicine this year – she said to me: “I prayed three hours on my knees for you, while you were tested, those hours I was on my knees.”
Father Theologos: Glory to God! May the good Lord bless her!
Edward: May the good Lord bless her! And in the meantime, that was now recently, I became friends with… we were friends before, but we were very distant friends, with another boy who was left paralyzed and was the kind of boy very different from the boys in our society, my age. He calculated his calories, he was one of those athletes – not like drinking a beer at 1 kg or a glass of wine as men drink at the table. No. So nothing. He doesn’t drink anything, he doesn’t… Only water and healthy food…
Father Theologos: [Specific] to the gram…
Edward: And by bad chance he jumped into a lake and was left paralyzed from the waist down and his hands have some problems with his fingers. And he discovered Orthodoxy after this trauma. Because God works through…
Father Theologos: Yes. Yes, yes, always, 96, 95% of people come to Orthodoxy, they come to God after great tribulations, you know. Because before people have this mirage of earthly immortality, but the moment you have a great pain, a great tribulation, you see how relative you are, and then you seek God, you seek God at that point. What’s he like now? Is he good?
Edward: Yes, he’s good. I thought I was helping him because I gave him math tutoring for the baccalaureate because he had not been to school since the 11th grade, he did online and the online school is an online school in the end and he managed to get a higher grade than I did on the baccalaureate. I also tutored him in biology and my girlfriend tutored him in Romanian. My girlfriend wants to be a Romanian teacher.
Father Theologos: May the good Lord help her! It’s extraordinary.
Edward: Yes, she is an extraordinary person. So a very, very different from any girl you’d see in our generation. So it’s not stereotypical at all.
Father Theologos: Neither are you.
Eduard: Thank you. This friend of mine, I thought I was helping him a little bit somehow, but he helped me a lot through his life experience. So this experience that can last very little was of such power that the interaction with him changed me and I saw that, look, this man is not saying: God, why did I become like this? He says: God thank you for letting me live!
Father Theologos: Yes.
Eduard: What we may not enjoy so much in everyday life and we are healthy and say, “Oh I have to go to church and take 10 minutes or I have to go to the bus and I do not go because I will take a taxi.” But others enjoy their lives even through they are in wheelchairs. And they’re 19.
Father Theologos: Is he 19 years old?
Edward: 19 years. And he reached an extraordinary depth. And I also met a couple who unfortunately had some problems, I don’t think they are together anymore. They were both Orthodox, and they are also very well-read people, and they were able to talk to me at the right time. So that was last October already when I was asking my questions.
Father Theologos: I understand, yes.
Eduard: And they were able to talk to me dogmatically and they were able to talk to me about the customs and traditions of the Church, saying “Look, it’s not really like that, I mean it’s not those priests who steal money and the myths you find. That if you have long hair, you have no place in the church…” Much more I was judged that I have long hair… – because I have very long hair, now it is caught in a bun, but I have hair this long.
Father Theologos: The reason?
Eduard: Okay, I left it over the years…
Father Theologos: I have long hair too, do not boast, because I have it in the same way as you.
Edward: It wasn’t a boast. I wanted to say that many people have judged me outside the church, no one has ever judged me in the church.
Father Theologos: Yes. Yes, exactly.
Eduard: It didn’t happen to me… I mean if I bought an icon from the church store or I left a commemoration list it was another thing, it was a 5 -10 lei or here in Greece 5 euros, but it didn’t happen that I was asked for money or the myths that propagate the media… I don’t know, it’s very big anti-church propaganda and even my spiritual father that the Mother of God gave me and my girlfriend after we prayed to have a spiritual father…
Father Theologos: May the good Lord help!
Edward: I actually asked him this: why is the Church not defending itself? Because after seeing how many centers there are… there is a palliative care center in Cluj, people take their elders there to die and there are very sick elders and they have a psychologist, a psychiatrist, they have a bed assistant, they have a priest when they want.
Father Theologos: This is of the Church.
Edward: Made by the Church. And the priest there is a dentist and he also studied theology. Or there’s a bunch of nursing homes for the elderly, child care centers. The Church is doing a lot of charity and it’s not known and I even asked my spiritual father: why is the Church not defending itself? I mean there’s so much media propaganda – the Church does that, the Church does that, apparently there was a scandalous case… there’s that thing, a drunk man in the ditch is not news, a priest drunk in the ditch is news.
Father Theologos: Yes.
Edward: As if the priest were not still human and could not fall into passion. And he said to me simply, “Did Jesus defend Himself when people blasphemed Him?” And this stayed with me, I mean I understood. Two words, very simple.
Father Theologos: Yes. Jesus did not defend Himself, and I’ll tell you a case. There is a bishop with a holy life here in Greece, very holy, and I can also tell his name because he went to the Lord. It’s Jacob of Argolidos. And this bishop fought hard, hard, hard, so with a lot of effort from all points of view: time, money, people, how to say it, he humbled himself in front of many people and built something that did not exist in the whole region: an orphanage also for children with disabilities, with nurses, with a canteen with everything, extraordinary. And then he went to the press and said “Come see, I made an orphanage, it’s news.” “Yes, yes, well, we’ll see.” Yes…. He went to another newspaper: “Sir, we did this, come see.” “Yes, yes, well, we’ll see, we’ll see.” To another again and finally when [the bishop] said: “I told you I made an orphanage,” “Sir,” [the journalist] said, “Did you fornicate? Did you steal money? Are you gay? – that’s what we’re interested in. We’re not interested in your orphanage.”
Edward: Yes, it is very interesting how people seek to judge! Yes, I don’t know, maybe they fill some gaps by judging others or…
Father Theologos: It’s the expression of inner hell, they are echoes of the inner hell. It is a great injustice; it is a great distortion in the world and here the young people fight back very hard on this through drugs and music and art. But the big problem for young people is not that they do not see this distortion, because they see it. Rather the solution! The solution is Christ.
Edward: Right!
Father Theologos: That’s the big problem. One last question: how does one arrive, how does one make first contact with drugs? Or how does he find them now? Don’t search!
Eduard: No, don’t search! Because if you search you will find, it’s very easy to find anywhere in the world.
Father Theologos: Yes. God forbid!
Eduard: It doesn’t matter that it’s a small town, that it’s a big city because after all they are in prisons and in places where you can’t find chocolate maybe. It’s about – if we can lengthen this whole thing…
Father Theologos: Of course!
Eduard: It’s about a market that no matter how much you reduce the supply, the demand remains and continues to grow and only the price rises. For example, the war on drugs started by Americans was about, I’m sorry to say, won by drugs, that is, they spread all over the world and increased their price exponentially. So the cartels do… and this is a matter of historical documentation, of recent history.
Father Theologos: There are data…
Eduard: There are concrete data anyone can search. So the cartels got rich on the basis of the war on drugs because it’s not okay to punish people for suffering. This is the expression of the suffering of society, the expression, as you said, of the suffering of the inner hell that is basically the closure in you forever, at least that’s how I understood from your videos.
Father Theologos: That’s right.
Eduard: And so it is and these people suffer. The moment you tell them: “Look, you’re going to jail for having something on you…” So you will not change him, I mean the man will not come and say “I will not consume anymore because it told me on the bus.” For example, a thing was done in the great and tolerant Cluj… they put on buses, on the TVs on the bus they put some stories like: “Look, this is Cristi, he smoked a joint at a festival, six months in prison. See that you don’t end up like him.” So this is the message the state wants to send so that we can trust it to give us treatment?
Father Theologos: I think only love!
Edward: So only love and addicts need a lot of love because many times even those who think they have discernment have episodes in which they have no discernment and do very ugly things and only this blind love.. which is exactly taught by the Church.
Father Theologos: Unconditional.
Edward: Unconditional. It helps them, and love heals.
Father Theologos: Yes.
Eduard: So that’s clear. Any doctor, not only of psychiatry, but even a cardiologist or a surgeon must do their job with passion because this is the only way they can cure as many people as possible.
Father Theologos: Like that lady who prayed on her knees for you for hours…
Edward: Yes, at the time when I was at the admission.
Father Theologos: Yes.
Edward: So it’s very widespread… it’s a very widespread problem because it’s based on people’s suffering and it has a substrate. I mean, for example, we as Romanians have a problem in the country and not only us, that is, Europe is full of the problem of alcohol, which is still an addiction.
Father Theologos: It’s a form of drug.
Edward: It’s a form of drug when… alcohol is a drug and after all, people, I don’t know, consider it normal to come home and drink six beers after work, which is what a man does… Also look at the aggressive marketing for beer. For example, there are certain beers which “cool down man”… really so this is beer… I don’t want to name the company, but you can see it in the store. So there’s a substrate of suffering that’s somehow covered with addiction, and that’s how it spread everywhere.
And the problem is that young people – it’s a very nice generation, it’s a very smart generation, the Internet has also done its good parts, they are very informed, but they have no direction at all, just like you said. They have no direction and they don’t discern right from wrong. And anything that comes from the outside – it’s what I’ve noticed in all my interactions – anything that comes from the outside is good. So if you light incense sticks in the house so that I don’t know… to align your energies, then you’re okay, if you light incense from the church, you’re retrograde even if, let’s say, we assume that in the end none of them had a spiritual explanation, which they do. But in the end, they both make a nice smell in the house. Why am I retrograde if I light incense? Or if you say a Buddhist or Hindu mantra then you are enlightened, “cool,” but if you say a prayer, you are automatically retrograde.
And that’s the really big thing about drugs that young people have no direction and fall into these things. Because you’ll see, I mean there are people who try because there are still people who try and do not remain addicted. The point is about the people who remain addicted because they are the ones who have suffering behind them. It’s a psychological substrate and especially psychiatric medicine goes towards this… to see that therapy really helps a lot and it’s a spiritual space there that medicine can never discover unless it also goes towards God.
Just as Saint Luke of Crimea said, who was a very good surgeon. So there is a very big paradox that he was exiled, the communists got him out of prison to operate on the wounds from the war front, he was a very good surgeon. After, when he was exiled to Siberia, for his discoveries… because he had to – through lack of personnel and because the Communists had decimated the intellectuals in Russia – he had no anesthesiologist and he had to learn to be an anesthesiologist and surgeon and that it’s a very hard job. Because the anesthesiologist not only does the anesthesia, he also monitors the patient during the operation – all the parameters. And he developed some very cool things of local anesthesia that at that time were very advanced and received the Stalin Prize – so he is the first man to receive the Stalin Prize, being a political prisoner in Siberia. But we don’t see these people. So we think that priests are all retrogrades, fools. Yes, there are many more scholars in the church than outside of it as a percentage of people.
Father Theologos: Obviously! But there are some outlets and there are some false images. But that’s what I want us to remember in the end: that the only therapy for drugs is love through others and to God.
Edward: Yes.
Father Theologos: This is!
Eduard: Yes and I talked to this friend I told you about who talked to me dogmatically and said a very nice thing. Now, excuse me for saying this, but…
Father Theologos: Say it!
Edward: Suppose there is no God, there is no Christ, it’s all false. But what in the Church’s teaching makes you… so even if everything is false, what in the Church’s teaching makes you a bad person? So even if it’s all fake. If you follow the teaching of the Church you are a man who loves others, you are a man who does not judge because all sorts of people come to you, for example, as a priest, to confess smaller, bigger sins. You’re a very good man. Then why not follow it? I mean even if you don’t…
Father Theologos: If you notice in my videos, I say that Orthodoxy is therapeutic.
Edward: Yes, it is very therapeutic and I saw it on my skin.
Father Theologos: Yes, that’s it, it’s the therapy.
Eduard: And the boys – who have the opportunity and want, I highly recommend you to come here to the Holy Mountain and you will see wonders! And you’ll see temptations on the way.
Father Theologos: For example?
Eduard: A, for example: well, the road to the Holy Mountain was full of obstacles. If there were one or two, I’d say they’re random. The first: we selected the flight tickets three weeks before to be as cheap as possible. I did not see that I took them without luggage, but we struggled primarily with the luggage to find the cheapest option. So everyone at the airport was asking us for 85 euros per bag, 100 euros, if you want to add it then. I found an offer with 36. Glory to God! Okay, after, the plane did not synchronize with the last boat in Ouranoupoli – this meant that I had to miss a day of the Holy Mountain if I did not talk to you and you did not understand me. And we didn’t get the idea. So the idea came to us in Bucharest when I said a few times God help me find a solution!
After that, me and the friend I came with do not fight too much, we have known each other for 16 years, since we were four years old, since kindergarten we have been friends. We fought so much on the road, I think more than we have fought in our whole life.
Father Theologos: Yes, the devil fights.
Eduard: He fights. After crossing at the border, he did not check me for ID before, he only checked him and left me. The gentleman over there must have forgotten. And my ID remained at the currency exchange office at the airport entrance and it was about 40 minutes before the boarding gates closed and I was searching through the luggage, I was searching everywhere in the airport. A gentleman from there helped me, from security, God bless him! He searched all the security filters and, in the end, he let me go back and it was at the currency exchange office.
F. Theologos: And you found it.
Edward: Yes, I found it. And there were all sorts of things and after I came here, I can say that a lot of miracles… I mean we joined a group with no…
F. Theologos: Well, yes, because students are coming from Romania, brethren, yes…
Eduard: We joined a group and they took us to many monasteries.
F. Theologos: Michael Urdea, right?
Edward: Michael Urdea, yes. He took us to many monasteries, he added us to a group.
Father Theologos: Glory to God! So young people, do not despair, do not discourage, be close to God!
Edward: And stay close to your fellow human beings! That’s the most important and don’t judge and love those around you. It does not matter that you see one is a drinker or a girl wears revealing clothes…
Father Theologos: Or a boy that has long hair.
Edward: Yes. Everything is done with love, any problem is solved with love, and first of all do not criticize just to consider yourself superior, to say, “Alas, how good I am!” because you are automatically proud and you are no better. If you criticize, make it constructive. If not, just give love and support and go on your way, your career, what you want to do. And live a life where you enjoy it, every experience. You wake up in the morning and say: I’m glad that look, I can see the Athon behind us here or I can see that I woke up and I see the bus that goes on the street because others do not have this opportunity.
Father Theologos: That’s right. Thank you so much! May God bless you!
Eduard: And I thank you for receiving me here and I have spoken with you that from you came the impulse to come to the Holy Mountain. Thank you so much!
Father Theologos: May God bless you!
Eduard: Thank you.
Father Theologos: Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us. Amen.
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Mai ales pentru pomelnicele recurente, vă rugăm să păstrați pomelnicele sub 20 de nume. Dacă puneți un membru al familiei, noi adăugăm „și familiile lor”.
Dumnezeu să vă răsplătească dragostea!