Can saints also work miracles in flight(s)? Sometimes, because of our limited faith, we think that saints are also limited and so they cannot work miracles, especially miracles related to today’s technology. Well, that is not true!
The saints are perfect and all-knowing, being gods by grace. Watch Father Pimen Vlad demonstrate this!
Miracles from aviation
Here we are again, my dears! What do I want to tell you now? Recently I heard a miracle of the Mother of God, told by the very person who lived it.
Bless the Mother of God in whatever you do!
Within the Greek army worked a young woman, who often had missions by helicopter. She never went on a mission without praying to the Mother of God. Moreover, she had a friend, abbess at a monastery, from whom she asked for blessing before any mission. And the mother said to her: “Let the Mother of God help you to go well and come back safe!”. She always went on a mission with prayer and hope in the Mother of God.
Cry to the Mother of God
And so, the night before leaving for a mission, she called the mother abbess and asked for her blessing, and in the morning she left. Flying along with the helicopter crew, at one point she entered a rather large cloud, formed in the area of a mountain peak. The crew did not realize it and they crashed into the mountain, and the helicopter exploded. She was also injured, but she started shouting: “Mother of God, help me!”, at which point she saw the Mother of God that she took her in her arms together with the chair she was on, plucked her from the wreckage and took her to a bush where she placed her with the chair too. She said that she felt like a child at the mother’s bosom, and the Mother of God said to her: “Rest assured, it will be fine!”, after which she went unseen.
Meanwhile the wreckage was located. The rest of the crew had died in the crash only she had survived. She was taken to the hospital, where the Mother of God appeared to her again and told her not to be afraid because she would always be with her and that she would be fine. After a few days of admission, she came out of the hospital and recounted afterwards what happened and how the Mother of God saved her. Do you see what her hope and faith in the Mother of God meant? And the faith in the blessing of the abbess that she always demanded when she went on a mission? It was like a covering, like a blessing to her. All of this happened in 2018. Do you see how many miracles are still being done today?
Mother of God took the plane in her arms
I’ll tell you another miracle done a few years ago, which I learned from a lady. I’ve written about it in one of my books and I think I’ve also told it. But because it has reached my heart, I will tell it again for those who have not read it or who have not heard it.
A group from Greece went to Jerusalem with a priest. All had confessed before, in Jerusalem they went with all godliness to the holy places, they all took communion. After about a week they left back. In Tel Aviv, when they boarded the plane, they noticed that it had fluctuations in the electrical current, the lights were turning on and off… it took a little while, but they announced that everything was fine and that they could leave. They took off and after they got into the heights… The lady who recounted all this was sitting on a window seat. At one point she saw that the engine on the left side caught fire and was burning in flames. A small jolt was felt, but no one had realized what had happened.
The lady was traveling with her mother, and at that moment she began to talk to her to divert her attention to not somehow get scared and something bad to happen with her heart. Shortly after, the pilot announced the passengers that they did not have to panic that they had lost one engine, but that they would continue their flight with the other engine. They flew some more and the plane shook again, and people on the other side started shouting that the engine on the right was burning. You realize, with one engine you can make it, but when both are broken… The pilot announced that they had also lost the other engine and that they were trying to return to Tel Aviv, the distance being less than to Greece.
The Oratory of the Mother of God saves from great dangers!
Then the priest in their group stood up and said to all of them: “Brethren, do not be afraid! Pray to the Mother of God and confess your sins to one another and he has given them absolution.” You know, it was the last moments. The pilots had turned the plane around, but it was losing altitude quickly. Then the children told the parents all the mistakes and injustices, the parents told the children. They said everything they had on their conscience. They were aware that they had maybe a few minutes left and that’s it!… Then the parent cried out: “Let’s sing the Oratory of the Mother of God!”. Those on the left sang the Oratory, and those on the right sang the Prayer, but with tears, with all their heart! Those of other faiths were scared, they had no support, they were, as they say, almost without God, and they looked at the Orthodox Christians and said: “These guys went crazy! They see that we are crushing and they start singing.”
And the Christians sang with all their hearts! The father then stood up and said to them: “Brethren, I say to you with my hand on my heart! I see the Mother of God holding the plane in her arms!” And at that moment they felt that the plane had lost the speed at which it was falling and gently, slightly calmed down as if it was flying normally. You realize, when the father said that the Mother of God was holding the plane in her arms, they all began to sing with even more love and to thank her.
The plane was carried on the arms of the Mother of God
And the plane flew like this without engines, just hovering in the arms of the Mother of God until they reached Tel Aviv. At the airport they were expected, all of which were ready for the arrival of the plane without engines. The stewardesses panicked, one of them kept unwrapping a yogurt, started it and threw it away, another kept closing and opening a drawer, as if they were without God!
That lady asked a stewardess if they were falling, and she nodded affirmatively, hinting that they had no chance. And yet the Mother of God took the plane in her arms, took it to Tel Aviv and did not land it normally, as the planes that run a few hundred meters until they stop usually land, but was placed on the runway of the airport, without anyone moving in the plane as they do when they brake. How carefully the Mother of God behaved! She took the plane in her arms and placed it on the runway of the airport… The rescues came, they took the panicked.. even the Orthodox had their throats dried out of fear… they were all exhausted. They were given the first care, and after a day they were given another plane and returned.
Said the woman who recounted that on the news they only said that there were problems on a plane and that they were solved well, without any details about the miracle that happened, although it was impossible for a plane left without engines to return to the airport. She also said that after this incident she was no longer interested in anything, neither the worries nor the material needs… she was in a state of peace and tranquility, she realized that none of the earthly things had value. She was a few moments away from her life being all over. The state of peace and tranquility lasted for several weeks, but after a while, with the worries and the job, everything returned to normal… but she will never be able to forget what she lived and how the Mother of God saved them!
Pray to the Mother of God in all that you do!… And don’t forget to thank Her!
Have you seen what the Mother of God can do? That’s why we should never leave her, let’s shout at her because she always waits for us with open arms to help us, to always guard us, to hold us in her arms like a mother, to take care of us so that nothing bad to hurt us. And now in these times, with all the madness of the world, know that hope is with the Mother of God! Let’s shout at her with all our hearts and she’ll never leave us. And I repeat what I have said many times, the icon of the Mother of God to not miss to any Christian, keep the candle lit and always when leaving home ask her “Mother of God, take care of me!”, on your return kiss the icon again and say “Thank you, Mother of God for taking care!” and you will see that the Mother of God really takes care of us.
Look, here with us it’s quite warm, you can see that I didn’t even get dressed, the orchard is full of crocuses, it’s like spring, so it’s warm and beautiful. As I say, it’s the garden of the Mother of God! The Mother of God takes care of everything that exists here, not only of us humans. Everything that grows, of animals, of flowers, of birds, she takes care of everything! May the Mother of God help us, to keep us safe and to have a lot of confidence in Her! God help us!
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