In Holy Week, Father Pimen, a pillar of humility, speaks with Mihai Morar in the Garden of the Mother of God, a Romanian oasis of faith, on Mount Athos.
Many of us have heard of the hermit fathers. But do we know what their life is like? What trials they are subjected to day by day and how they view our lives? Today we have the opportunity to speak with one of the Romanians who dedicated his entire life to faith, Father Pimen. For almost 3 decades he has been living in what has become a veritable Romanian colony – Mount Athos, the mountain of faith. Thousands of people have benefited from his advice and example in the search for comfort to their soul, or just for the right path in everyday life. How should we live our lives as best as possible, so that family life is a foundation for our existence? Why does it not matter how many material possessions we lose in our lifetime? How should we raise our children so as not to spoil them? We learn that today, on a day with deep spiritual implications, from the mountain of the Orthodox faith.
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1 Comment
Heartfilled gratitude for making this available in English too! With love in Christ!